I was up at the movie theater floor of Amu Plaza, and I saw the poster for the latest Lupin III movie, featuring Fujiko. It's a beautiful illustration, and I was hoping they'd have the flier for it so I could post it here. Unfortunately, they didn't, and neither did the Tenpara theater in Tenmonkan. So I grabbed the fliers I could find to put them here instead.
First is for something called "Kono Subararashi sekai ni shukufuku wo! Legend of Crimson" AKA: Kono Suba ("God's Blessing on this World"). According to the wiki article, it's a parody of Japanese RPGs, which started out as a web novel, got turned into a light novel series, and then adapted to manga. The movie is an adaptation of the manga. For RPG parodies, I prefer Dragon House Hunting.
This one seems to be a bit odd. Looks like an ad for a traveling screen truck that's touring from city to city during the summer. I never really cared for EVA, so I'm not going to bother with this. Visit the website for more details.
You can also get an EVA smartphone app.
Ni no Kuni
I played the Ni no Kuni ("The Two Countries") 3DS game a couple years ago. Beautiful artwork, but spotty gameplay. Didn't quite live up to its potential. Looks like there's a movie version for it now.
One Piece
Finally, One Piece. You probably know more about this movie than I do, so no point in my saying anything here. Check out the website for the trailer.

"Nice hat, Luffy."
Lupin the IIIrd: Mine Fujiko's Lie

(Image from the website. Used for review purposes only.)
Check out the site.
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