Saturday, March 5, 2022

Red Mask Detective Game

The shopkeeper associations in Tenmonkan have a smartphone app that lets you find specific stores, and learn more about the history of the area (400 years ago, this was an open field used for making observations for drawing up star charts). On Feb. 26th and 27th, the app supported an AR (augmented reality) puzzle game. The game packet included a red mask (double-mask so that the game support staff can tell who is playing and who isn't), and a workbook.

Then, the idea was to walk around the shopping district, looking for these participation signs.

Aiming your phone at the image with the gems would cause a puzzle to pop up on your screen. Solve the puzzle and write the answer in the workbook.

The AR portion of the app didn't support my tablet so I got regulated to the manual support desk (literally). The puzzles were printed out on stiff plastic, with the answers written on clear overlays (example in upper left corner of photo above). One of the workers helped me with the harder kanji, but still left me alone enough that I could find the solutions on my own. Clearing the game entered you into a lottery for the prizes, most of which were packets of pocket tissue, or 30 cent bags of candy. I got a tissue.

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