Amu Plaza had their Chocku Paku event for one week, from the 8th to the 14th, to sell overpriced almost-chocolate to women. Generally, I can't get to Amu much during the week, so I only had one shot on Friday for a few minutes when I needed to do some shopping at Aeon department store on the other side of Streetcar Street.
Yeah, small portions in large boxes, and prices where you're mostly paying for air. In other words, products specifically geared towards Japanese women.
In Japan, Feb. 14th is when women are pretty much required to buy chocolate for the men they interact with. At companies or in schools, this takes the form of "giri choco" (obligation chocolate), which is usually the Japanese equivalent of Hershey's bars (Lotto, Ghana or Meiji) for 100 yen each. March 14th, White Day, is when the men are supposed to buy stuff back for the women, but this almost never happens. Apr. 14th is Black Day (introduced from South Korea), for men that don't have romantic partners to buy their own chocolate. However, a growing number of guys have been buying chocolate for themselves for Feb. 14th because, why not?
Or, just get flavored caramel corn.
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