Thursday, May 20, 2021

Parking Lot Pavers

About 3 years ago, I created a folder on my computer for holding photos that I wasn't prepared to post on my blog. For some, I was waiting for a second event to take place so I could post them all together. For others, I just didn't like the images as a whole, and hesitated on uploading them right away. Finally, I decided to go through the "temp" folders, and upload what I could, and delete the rest. Turns out that there's really no more than 10 usable photos from several different directories, And here are the first few.

Back in the Fall of 2018, the City tore down an old vending machine-style parking building, and replaced it with a more western-type parking lot. As they were finishing the driveway into and out of the building, they had the concrete polishers at work. It's clever, but I'm not sure how it compares to American practices.

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