Friday, April 23, 2021

Costume Girl's Bar

I need someone that can get me into these places (most are Japanese-only, or members-only)...


CiceroCiceronis said...

What is the current state of "Japanese only" as a cultural practice? The last I read about it was in the context of Debito Arudou's civil disobedience protests, but that was in the late 90s when the world was (arguably) a lot less open. Is it still very much a thing?

TSOTE said...

Actually, I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything on the subject outside of Debito's articles. There was one article he wrote somewhere around 2012 that got the Japanese people I knew pretty outraged for being "an entitled outsider". His combative writing style didn't make him friends.

The only "members-only" (all members are Japanese) thing I've run into has been at strip clubs.