Friday, February 26, 2021


While I was shooting the time lapse video of Sakurajima with my GoPro, there were several birds in the area. Initially, I spotted about 6 hawks (or kites, I don't know the difference) circling around for close to 2 hours. Later, I noticed a heron flying in from the north end of the bay, and continuing down south to at least Kotsuki river, if not further. A little after that was a seagull. I haven't seen gulls around Kagoshima at all before, so that was a surprise.

One hawk kept flying around a cargo ferry that was loading up a little off to my right, which was in easy shooting distance of my regular pocket camera. Its mate sat on an antenna near the warehouses next to the ferry. I tried working my way closer to the antenna, but some old woman came up on the walking path just at that moment, and for some reason made a beeline directly at the GoPro. I hurried back to the tripod to protect it. After the woman left, finally circling around me because I stood between her and the tripod, I turned back to the antenna, but by then both hawks were gone. Sigh.

The hawks were fun to watch, but really hard to get good shots of.

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