Saturday, February 20, 2021

Shokugatsu Gou

There's a little food and entertainment event running this weekend in Central Park, translating to "meat month" (it's a play on the Rokugatsu-gou event in June/July (Roku Gatsu is "6th month")).

Largely, the idea is to promote some of the local restaurants, who have booths here selling beef, pork, grilled chicken skewers, ramen and curry rice. Unfortunately (or, fortunately depending on your viewpoint), the staff at the entrance is checking body temperatures, and having everyone write down their names and addresses for Covid tracking. I'm not a big customer at these food events, because they are generally overpriced for what you get, so I don't really have much interest in mingling with people here otherwise.

Not much distancing.

The only thing I would pay attention to is the live stage, except it's just dance teams from some of the dance studios prancing in front of other people's copyrighted music, and some bad manzai (slapstick comedy duos). If I tried recording any of the dancing, youtube would block the music.


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