Thursday, January 27, 2022

Small Adventures - Crass

There's a Tully's coffee shop in Tenmonkan I go to sometimes to just sit and read over coffee. Most Tully's shops are designed as "upscale comfortable." That is, there are usually at least a couple stuffed chairs to lean back in, and the decor is clean and kind of softly-lit. The one shop I'm mainly talking about has a little couch in one corner that can seat 2 people, with two facing chairs on the other side of a coffee table. This spot is popular with 4-woman groups that want to chat, and salesmen trying to convince couples to buy a house, a car, or insurance.

One night a few weeks ago, I came into the shop, ordered my coffee, and went to the back like I usually do. This time, though, there was a short woman, maybe about 40, sitting in one corner of the couch, taking up the entire area, with papers all over the table. My initial reaction was - "Wow, that's kind of conceited, one person commandeering something that four people usually sit at." But, then one of the shop clerks came to the back of the shop to tell the woman that it was now 4 PM, then he returned to the front counter. So, I'm wondering who this woman is that she's placing wake-up calls with the front desk. Maybe she's the manager, or from the head office in Tokyo or something, I don't know.

A few minutes later, she takes off her shoes, puts her feet up on the cushions, and falls asleep for an hour. So now I'm thinking, "Oh yeah, that's sanitary. I know where I'm not going to be sitting anymore." Then she wakes up, puts her shoes back on, puts all of her papers into her bag, grabs her coat, and just walks out the front door without saying anything to the staff.

I guess some people just like to think that they really do own the place.

[Note: I've seen this on the streetcars, too, where some guy will take his shoes off, then curl up on the seats at the back of the streetcar and go to sleep like he's in his own bed at home. Stinky feet on the seat, and all. Sigh. Very classy.]

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